Leaving home and finding your tribe: a parent speaks+ #62

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Quote of the Week

“Leaving home in a sense involves a kind of second birth in which we give birth to ourselves.”

-Robert Neelly Bellah, American Sociologist

Hi, this is the GenWise team– we bring out this newsletter to help parents and educators to complement the work of formal schools and associated systems. We can help our children thrive in these complex times only by exchanging ideas and insights and working together. We are also a founder-member of the Gifted India Network– if you are interested in issues related to gifted education and talent development, an easy way to keep updated about talks, programs and resources is to join the Gifted India Network telegram channel (https://t.me/GiftedIndia).

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  1. Leaving home and finding your tribe: a parent speaks

  2. Upcoming Events

Leaving home and finding your tribe: a parent speaks

In this post, we share a twitter thread that highlights the comments of parents whose child attended a 3 week residential program for gifted students in May 2022. Read this post in a past edition to understand how the path from potential to expertise requires providing the right kind of opportunities and this post for a description of our ‘recipe’ for creating an enriching residential environment that adolescents need.

1/ Leaving home in a sense involves a kind of 2nd birth in which we give birth to ourselves- Robert Bellah

Sending kids to a residential program is a big decision for parents.

Aadi, @eiindia ATS Gold Scholar’s parents think this is the best decision for your child! Read on.. 

2/ “Initially we were worried about how he will stay by himself. But seeing how he managed independently for 3 weeks has greatly boosted our confidence! At home everything is taken care of for him, so this experience taught him problem solving & made him self reliant.” 

3/ “We think the program’s highlights are the ‘beyond academic elements’ such as dance night, evening adda, working in teams etc. This gave our child a chance to step out of his comfort zone, try new things & build self-confidence.” 

4/ “At school, there are students with diverse capabilities and interests. In this program, he got a chance to be with ‘people of his own wavelength’ (academically gifted students with similar interests), allowing him to pursue the topic beyond the curriculum.” 

5/ “Our son was shy… interacting with a wide range of people has built his social skills. He called home when there were some guests & spoke to them on the speakerphone.

After the call, my friend remarked, “From the voice itself, I can make out how much he has changed!” 

6/ “As parents, our responsibility is to give children opportunity, not direction.. so they can discover what they love. Our advice to other parents is that if you get the chance to send your child to a GenWise program grab it with 4 hands- 2 of the mother & 2 of the father!” 

7/ “I am so happy that I made the decision to send him here”, says Naveen Kansara, father of Aadi, who attended the 3 week Gifted Summer Program in May 2022. Watch what Naveen and Savita have to say about their experience-

Upcoming Events

  1. Glaciers and Climate Change- This week’s edition of ‘Talk to a Scientist’ involves hands-on explorations and a conversation with 2 scientists on this topic. Get a tray, ice, water, baking powder, ruler, and any toy animals/houses and login! On Sat, Jul 23, 2022 at 5 PM IST for children from ages 6-16. Register here.

  2. Novel Phases of Matter Near Absolute Zero Temperature is part of the Kaapi with Kuriosity series and is scheduled on Sun, Jul 31, from 4 to 530 PM IST, at Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium at Bengaluru. The event will also be streamed live on YouTube.

    Dr. Sanjukta Roy, scientist at the Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru says about her session- In this talk, I will describe how atoms are cooled down to temperatures near absolute zero to realise a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC), the coldest matter in the universe, also known as the ‘fifth state of matter’. At such low temperatures, a billion times colder than the interstellar space, atoms behave like waves and their intriguing quantum nature is manifested giving access to novel and exotic phases of matter such as supersolids which can simultaneously exist in crystalline form like solids and flow without friction like superfluids. Ultra-cold atoms in optical traps are highly controllable systems which offer a versatile platform for Quantum Technology applications such as quantum computation and quantum sensing. Cold atoms can be used to realise the most precise gravimeters in space as well as accurate atomic clocks for Satellite Navigation and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).

    You can register for the session here.

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